Attention Coaches & Service Providers: If you’re tired of struggling to make ends meet, working crazy hours, and feeling like a fraud, you need to know…

How to Finally Go From “Wannabe” Entrepreneur to Superstar Business Babe…
With Just a Few Simple Systems & and Some Tiny Attitude Adjustments!

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Stop the overwhelm, overwork, and being unappreciated, and build a business you’ll be proud of…

How frustrated are you right now?
If you’re anything like the coaches and service providers I speak with every day, you’re probably working way more hours than you want to, and getting far less accomplished than you need to.
You beat yourself up about your “lack of productivity” (even though it’s really NOT your fault) and you look at all those other coaches who seem to have it all together (they don’t) and you wonder, “What the heck is wrong with me?”
Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong with you. The real problem is…[/text_block]

No One Prepared You For The Nitty-Gritty,
Down-And-Dirty Work Of Running A Business

And don’t get me wrong. That stuff is super important!
But you know what else is important? Having the freedom to live your life, and that means…
Not spending all day struggling with stubborn tech stuff.
Not losing sleep over your feast or famine finances.
Not wasting yet another weekend re-inventing the wheel.
If you’re still working way too hard, then you have to know that the truly successful coaches aren’t working 14-hour days, and they’re not wondering how they’re going to pay the electric bill.
Instead, they’ve built a sustainable, repeatable, scalable business, and you can, too. In fact, you don’t really have a choice.
Trust me when I say…[/text_block]

You’re On The Fast Track To Business Burnout

Your to-do list gets longer every day.
Your bank account is suffering.
And you? Well, you’re just exhausted.
You’re working, and most of the time you don’t have the energy to spend time on your business.
And if you’re not there yet…just wait. It’s inevitable, unless you do something to fix what’s broken.

IGNITE YOUR BUSINESS BOOTCAMP: The Business Management 3 Day Challenge For Every Entrepreneur

In three, in-depth trainings, we’ll build a rock-solid foundation, create repeatable, scalable systems, and make some critical mindset adjustments, so you can step away from the overwhelm and into your boss-lady role.
Sound good? Here’s everything we’ll cover…[/text_block]

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″]Without a solid foundation, no business will survive for long. Day one is all about giving your business the support it needs to thrive. We’ll dig deep into…
- Narrowing your focus and clarifying your goals—without this, you’ll just be swimming in circles and getting nowhere.
- A 4-step exercise to nail your brand—thoughtful consideration here will immediately differentiate you from the competition.
- 3 low-cost resources every online entrepreneur needs in her back pocket—study them and keep the information on file…you’ll be glad you did!
- Why your schedule is the most important plan you make every day—and how to create one that works for you!
- The FIRST step you must take to get your finances under control—without this, everything else will be a struggle.
- The monthly to-do you can’t afford to skip—this business cornerstone will ensure you’re always moving in the right direction.

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″]No business survives for long with poor cash flow, and that includes small online coaching startups like yours. Not only that, but the stress that comes from worrying about money all the time will kill that freedom you crave.
So in Day 2, we’re going to clean up those money mindset issues and set up some easy systems to keep the cash flowing evenly from month to month and year to year. I’ll share all the details about:
- 3 options for every task you do—and how to choose the right one for your business right now.
- 4 important considerations when shopping for new systems—don’t get stuck on features and benefits without reviewing this section first.
- 3 tools to make appointment scheduling painless—and even collect payment and other information at the time of booking!
- 21 expenses you must remember to add to your budget—including one that no one wants to consider (but we all have to).
- 3 types of income every business should be earning—the right mix of these will ensure a smooth balance sheet every month…no more feast or famine for you!

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″]Here’s where most entrepreneurs struggle. You know you need help to achieve your goals, but how do you find the time to hire and train the right people?
Day 3 has all the answers, including…
- 13 things you can outsource right now—and this list is literally just the beginning!
- 2 things you must do before hiring help—skipping these will make your first outsourcing plan a colossal waste of money!
- The “proven test” that will tell you if a person is a right fit for you or not—nail this, and you’ll save yourself (and your potential VA) a lot of frustration.
- Where to find the best contractors for every task—and every budget.
- “Must-have” documentation every business needs—and how to easily create it!

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You absolutely must uplevel, and that means adding good systems, getting clear on your money (both your goals and the reality of where you’re at right now), and moving the “busy” work off your desk. Only then will you have the time freedom and mental capacity to truly grow.
It all starts with this FREE 3-day challenge. Together we’ll build the foundation from which you will soar.[/text_block]

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I can’t promise that you’ll make a million dollars, but I can promise you this:
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_color=”%23000000″]You will finally have the tools and strategies you need to build a profitable, sustainable business…and you’ll do it with a lot less stress than you have right now.
How much is that worth to you?
See you on the other side,

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